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How to Navigate this Portfolio


- Here you will find a drop-down menu listing each of the courses I completed during my M.Ed; in the order they appear in the BU Calendar. By selecting a specific course you will open a page summarizing my learning.

- Each page includes:

     - general course information

     - a course syllabus 

     - assignment exemplars

     - a bibliography of memorable readings

     - a personalized reflection of learning

Summative Seminar

- Here you will find a drop-down menu listing each of the assignments I completed as part of 07:750 Graduate Summative Seminar. By selecting a specific assignment you will open a page summarizing my learning.

- Each page includes:

     - an assignment overview

     - a completed copy of the assignment

     - assignment rubric/expectations


- Here you will find a short biography about who I am as an educator, wife, and mother.

- This page includes applicable links to my online presence as well as the online presence I maintain for my classroom.

- A "Contact Me" email form is also embedded for direct correspondence.


I was still in my B.Ed degree when I started hearing the phrase, "When you come back for your Masters...".  At that point in time I usually responded with a laugh and a, "Eventually... maybe".  I've always been someone who has loved the learning process and would often tell my husband that, if money was no object, I would be a full time university student exploring different degrees simply to learn more about different areas.  That doesn't mean, however, that I have always loved school.  In fact, some of my negative experiences with formal education have been what has driven me to be a teacher.  I want students to have learning experiences that are positive and lead them to love the learning process and, as such, I want to help teachers spark that passion.  A short 8 months after my graduation from my B.Ed I was filling out the paperwork and applying to pursue my Masters.

One of my main purposes for beginning my M.Ed was simply my enjoyment of learning.  As a secondary component I feel as though a M.Ed can assist me in my long-term goals as an educator.  Ideally, I would love to be in a position where I am able to support teachers in developing learning experiences with the purposefully integration of technology; specifically to provide further opportunities for students in rural/remote areas.  Technology is able to knock down classroom walls and bring the entire world right to a students hands which can provide learning experiences that are simply not possible with traditional means.

This portfolio is a compilation of my personal learning experiences over the past 3 years.  It showcases the developments I have achieved as an educator and serves as a record of my learning.  Please read the "How to Navigate..." section to the right for more insight on the organization of this document.

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