Program Portfolio of
Kirsten Thompson
02:780 Introduction to Curriculum
Instructor: Dr. Robin Enns
Date: Fall Semester 2015
Transcript Record: "Pass"
Course Outline:
Assignment Exemplars
Memorable Readings
Connelly, F. Michael. and Clandinin, D. Jean. (1989). Teachers as Curriculum Planners: Narratives of Experience. Toronto: OISE.
Take Away
Dr. Enns introduced participants to the dynamic relationship curriculum has within a specific education situation. This situation can be as small as an individual classroom or as large as Manitoba Education and must account for what is worth "knowing, feeling, and doing". The course worked through the text mentioned above and guided participants through small segments of an assignment that was compiled into a "Curriculum Situation".
The course schedule saw participants attend a weekly phone-conference-class in which the topic of discussion included a combination of lecture and large-group discussion.
There was one ongoing assignment for this course in which participants completed small components at a time. As such, there is one assignment exemplar showcasing a "Curriculum Situation".