Program Portfolio of
Kirsten Thompson
01:752 Introduction to Educational Administration
Instructor: Dr. Jackie Kirk
Date: Fall Semester 2017
Transcript Record: A
Course Outline:
Assignment Exemplars
Memorable Readings
Ferriter, W.M., Ramsden, J.T., & Sheninger, E.C. (2011). Communicating & connecting with social media. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
Hines, C., Edmonson, S., & Moore, G. (2008). The impact of technology on high school principals. NASSP Bulletin, 92(4), 276-291.
Waxman, H. C., Boriack, A. W., Lee, Y., & MacNeil, A. (2013). Principals’ perceptions of the importance of technology in schools. Contemporary Educational Technology, 4(3), 187-196. Retrieved from
Take Away
This course was selected as an elective as I believed that understanding more about effective leadership and the broad-role of administration would be invaluable to me if I eventually pursued a consultant position. I was quickly presented with the reality that a stronger understanding of the role of administration is invaluable to me as an individual; whether I am interacting with administration, teaching staff, students, or community members. This course discussed a variety of topics such as communication, change, professional learning networks (PLNs), community building, and budget/finance. Furthermore, a variety of strategies were utilized to emphasize the multiple roles of administrators and the importance of communication and networking. This included the use of Schoology, Facebook, and Twitter for professional communication.
The course schedule saw participants attend a video-class weekly in which the topic of discussion included a combination of lecture, large-group discussion, partner discussion, and student presentations. The development of individualized PLNs were maintained throughout the course with the majority of conversation gravitating towards Twitter and our Schoology discussion group.
Included in my assignment exemplars are: 1) a newsletter sharing how social media can be used for online professional learning, 2) an essay on the importance of social media use for principals, and 3) a presentation on the use of crowdfunding for classroom supplies.