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07:798 Selected Topics - EAL

Instructor: Dr. Burcu Ntelioglou

Date: Winter Semester 2017

Transcript Record: A+

Course Outline:

Assignment Exemplars
Memorable Readings

Chen, Y. (2011). The influence of integrating technology in language learning courses. Retrieved February 28, 2017, from,

Hoopingarner, D. (2009). Best practices in technology and language teaching. Language and Linguistics Compass, 3(1),

     222-235. doi:10.1111/j.1749-818X.2008.00123.x

Ntelioglou, B. (2011). ‘But why do I have to take this class?’ The mandatory drama-ESL class and multiliteracies pedagogy. RiDE:

     The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 16(4), 595-615.

Take Away

While our school division includes two colony schools that have many EAL students my own classroom experience is quite limited.  Although I have several students whose families speak Ojibway and French, English is their primary language and their understanding of these additional languages is not fluent.  One of my future ambitions, however, is to pursue a consultant job which would see me working with a variety of classrooms that could include EAL learners.  This course centered on a series of readings which required participants to either formally review the topic for their peers or read the review and provide commentary for discussion.  The primary learning community was organized through Google Drive. 

The course schedule saw participants attend a series of video-classes in which the topic of discussion included lecture, large-group discussion, and small-group "breakout sessions".  In the weeks following a video-class participants continued a comprehensive dialogue through Google Docs.

Included in my assignment exemplars are: 1) a newsletter on empowering EAL students with digital technology and 2) an article review including peer commentary.  

This course made effective use of the foundational literacy material discussed in 02:781.

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