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02:781 Advanced Instructional Methods

Instructor: Dr. Burcu Ntelioglou

Date: Spring Semester 2016

Transcript Record: A+

Course Outline:

Assignment Exemplars
Memorable Readings

Beach, Campano, Edmiston, & Borgmann. (2010). Literacy Tools in the Classroom: Teaching Through Critical Inquiry, Grades 5-12. Ohio: Teachers College Press.

Take Away

Literacy affects every aspect of a teacher's career, regardless of what subject or grade-level they work with.  This course discussed a variety of topics such as critical literacies, multiliteracies, multimodality, digital literacy, and play-based literacy development.  Participants were introduced to all topics through weekly readings and discussion but were provided with the opportunity to focus on aspects of literacy that most reflected their current interests or teaching scenario.  The primary learning community was organized through Google Drive. 

The course schedule saw participants attend a series of video-classes in which the topic of discussion included lecture, large-group discussion, videos, and small-group "breakout sessions".  In the weeks following a video-class participants continued a comprehensive dialogue through Google Docs.

Included in my assignment exemplars are: 1) an essay on the challenges of developing student literacy skills and 2) an article review on digital literacies.  

This course provided a solid foundational understanding of literacy that was effectively revisited in 07.798.

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